Meet our new director!
“Dear family in Christ,
Firstly, thank you for all your warm welcomes and prayers. It is such a blessing to become a small part of OMS NZ as the Executive Director.
I am a proud Texan, I came to the Lord as a young child, raised in and around the International Mission Ministries. Having had a chance to travel the world, I knew I was called to serve in missions. Through the years, I served as a youth leader, in university ministries, and served as church staff in many roles. The Lord eventually led me into the business world where I’ve spent a majority of my career learning how to bring people together, reaching the masses, designing and developing curriculum, and project development.
When I met my wife, a born and raised Kiwi, in 2012, I never would have thought we would be starting on such an amazing journey! In 2016, she brought me over to New Zealand, within a few days I knew we were home, and I knew God was calling. We flew back to our newly built home in Virginia, sold all our belongings and packed a few suitcases. We, along with Adalynn our 9-month-old daughter, said our farewells to friends and family and flew to NZ. I continued my work in the professional sector with the hope that I could use my gifts for the Kingdom.
Bringing us to the present. When the Lord presented the opportunity to serve a little part in OMS’s history, I knew this was it. While I was being onboarded, we welcomed our new addition to our family, our little miracle, born at 33 weeks, who we named Dallas. This only gave me more passion to serve as I saw first-hand God's love and sovereignty. I can envision OMS NZ, not only as a training ground for future missionaries abroad, but also reaching into Aotearoa through community-level engagement, intentional discipleship, and investment in their future with the goal to see a revival through our nation. This is the vision, for the sake of our children’s children.
As a missionary, fundraising is crucially important to help the continuation of the Director’s role at One Mission Society. I am committed to continuing the legacy that I have been entrusted with. My desire is to reach the up and coming generation of fathers, mothers, and the future leaders for Christ. I hope you can partner with me as we move forward.
If you’d like to support me in anyway, please email me at you for all your past, present, and any future support.
God Bless, Stephen McCurdy, Executive Director NZ.”
Originally written 22 February 2021.
Revised April 2024.