One Mission Society has a range of different ministries, the ones listed below are some of our biggest ones! If any of them interest you to serve, we'd love to tell you more!

This is our human trafficking prevention ministry. Our goal is to mobilise churches around the world; teaching believers that the talents, abilities, and resources they already have, can help stop all forms of trafficking. We offer one day trainings if you'd like to get equipped, or to find out more, contact our HOPE61 trainer Imogen Cook.

Mangyan Ministry
For 15+ years we have worked alongside Filipino Pastors, Rely and Lalaine Samonte, with their outreach to the Mangyan people. We've seen the Mangyan people go from squatters on the land to being recognised by the government, while also becoming faithful followers of Jesus! You can visit and support them on a short term team!

Moscow Seminary
The Moscow Evangelical Christian Seminary is a critical training school that allows Russians to train as Pastors and Church leaders, therefore enabling them to stay and minister to their own people who are in desperate need of Jesus. This is a ministry that brings much needed hope to Russia. Contact us to donate to this amazing ministry.
Caleb Institute
Caleb Institute was co-founded by the first missionary OMS NZ sent out to the mission field, Graham Houghton. Caleb is also the first theological training college that teaches in Hindi, and ensures the studies are not only Biblically theological, but also practical. Today, the campus is thriving! Contact us to find out more.

Hungary English Camps
Our OMS team in Hungary lead amazing English summer camps every year, where kids and teenagers are able to have all the fun of summer camp in a positive Christian environment. You are invited to be a volunteer at the camps by joining our short term teams! Contact us for more information.

The Serve
The Serve is a volunteer led organisation based in Hamilton New Zealand that serves evening meals and distributes food to those in need around the community. We aim to serve meals on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. If you'd like to help cook, donate food, and/or serve the people, contact us for more information.

Colombian Prison Ministry
Bellavista Prison in Colombia was once known as the most violent prison in South America. But now, due to the obedience of Christ followers and OMS missionaries, criminals arrive in Bellavista, but they leave as changed men. Many have returned to the prison as Pastors and ministry workers to continue helping those in need. If you'd like to know more, contact us for more information.

Every Community for Christ
Every Community for Christ (ECC) is the church multiplication ministry for OMS that works in more than 50 countries. The goal is to work alongside churches, church associations, and organisations that focus on church multiplication and leadership development. Empowerment occurs through training, coaching, encouragement, and prayer support. Contact us if this interests you!